Consumer and Data Protection:
Who helps me assert my rights?

You've never asserted your rights so easily.

Whether claims arising from a data breach, compensation,
or a withdrawal declaration –
We enforce your consumer rights
simply, digitally, and without any cost risk.

Money without hassle.
We stand up for your rights, no matter who the opponent is.

Do you have claims arising from a consumer or data protection law violation that affects many other consumers too?

With Protectra, you have a team of consumer and data protection professionals at your disposal.
We want you to know your consumer rights and to be able to assert and enforce your claims easily in the event of a legal violation, even in small cases against large corporations.

All without stress, high barriers, or complicated legal jargon.

You can save yourself from that with our support:

  • PROTECTRA_Icon_ZeitAufwand

    Effort and time

  • PROTECTRA_Icon_Anwalt

    the lawyer

  • PROTECTRA_Icon_GeldRisiko

    Money and risk

What we do for you

Consumer Protection

Simple, digital, and without cost risk

As a legal service provider, we are your partner for consumer rights and data protection. Our team leverages the extensive experience gained from serving over 10,000 clients to successfully enforce a wide range of consumer claims on your behalf. Efficiently and without unnecessary complications.


Bundled claims against large corporations

In particular, we bundle claims in disputes with large corporations to successfully represent both collective and individual interests.

This way, we enable individuals to access their rights, which they might not achieve on their own or would only do so with significant effort.


Simple and digital -
In 3 steps to your rights

Fill out the form online and authorize Protectra to enforce your claim.

Legal pursuit: We take all necessary measures on your behalf and keep you informed every step of the way.

Receive compensation: After successfully enforcing your legal claim, you will receive your compensation.


No risk -
Fee only in case of success

Whether it’s about data breaches, compensation claims, or withdrawals: with us, you only pay if we successfully enforce your claim.
This means you avoid risk and legal fees. When you entrust us with enforcing your consumer claims, there are no costs for working with our partner attorneys.

Data breach

Data breaches are not uncommon. Are you affected too?

Facebook data breach

As a result of a data breach at Facebook, affected individuals are receiving SMS messages, particularly from alleged package carriers.
Why should I choose PROTECTRA?

We know how to help you assert your rights.

Let’s be honest: Do you know which rights you have under consumer and data protection laws?

The truth is, many people still neither know their rights nor realize when those rights are being violated.

We are here to change that by informing, highlighting rights and data protection violations, and claiming compensation on your behalf.

Our entire approach is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to enforce your claims, with all necessary steps included.


Synergies in Action


years of expertise

We have extensive practical experience in consumer and data protection.



Satisfied clients whom we help assert their rights.


consumer and data protection experts

Our interdisciplinary team is committed to your claim.


You have the choice.
Assert your claim alone, with a lawyer, or with us.

Assert a claim alone or with a lawyer

Assert a claim with Protectra

Legal cost risk
No cost risk
Significant (explanatory) effort
Just a few minutes of effort
Sometimes little to no experience
Experienced team of consumer and data protection professionals
Low to high stress levels
Stress- and risk-free
Low to unclear chances of success
Highest chances of success

You have the choice.
Assert your claim alone, with a lawyer, or with us.

Assert a claim alone or with a lawyer

Legal cost risk
Significant (explanatory) effort
Sometimes little to no experience
Low to high stress levels
Low to unclear chances of success

Assert a claim with Protectra

No cost risk
Just a few minutes of effort
Experienced team of consumer and data protection professionals
Stress- and risk-free
Highest chances of success
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